I can’t do that… Is not an excuse why you can’t save money!,People often don’t know where they’re spending their money! Once you can account for every penny, it’s a lot easier to decide where you can cut back and start to save.,You can never be too prepared for the future when it comes to money. The unexpected may happen at any time, and that is why it’s important to save money. Especially in today’s times when you could lose your job, illness to your family, capital expenditures for home repair, so it makes perfect sense to always be financially prepared. Painless ways to find money for an emergency.,Most people say they don’t make enough money to put any away. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Every day you have the opportunity to find money that is slipping through your fingertips. Most of the time if someone has socked away some money they feel that the money is available for spending. If this is occurring it’s time to rethink your money management issues in a hurry. The thought process should be to be prepared before a crisis starts. You won’t be able to anticipate every time a financial burden lands in your lap, but if you want to be cushioned against it, you have to anticipate the unanticipated.,Let me tell you a true story: I was at a business seminar to cut costs. The speaker asked for a volunteer from the audience. A man seated towards the front, on the right hand side volunteered. The speaker then asked the man to think of the three most trivial expenses that he incurred daily. The volunteer replied with three expenses. One of those expenses was bottled water for his employees located in the break-room. The speaker said OK, now I want you tomorrow to walk into the office and remove the bottled water and make sure that everyone understands that this will not be available any longer. The volunteer said “Oh, but you don’t understand.” That is one of the things that the employees really love and the morale of the employees would be crushed If I removed the bottled water from the break-room. The speaker waited for the man to give his side of the situation…And then said to the volunteer “I’m sorry, but I can help you and this seminar probably won’t do you a bit of good.”,After, what seemed like a long period of silence, the speaker then explained his position. He said to the volunteer: I asked you for three trivial expense and for one of the expenses you gave me “bottled water” as an expense. If you can’t cut out one of your three most trivial expenses how can you ever make a serious change or cut larger expenses.,After the speaker said that I was like a deer in the headlights. I secretly empathized with the volunteer because the expense was so trivial, and it made the employees happy. I saw nothing wrong with the water staying and felt the speaker was a little over the top. Once he explained himself it hit me! He was absolutely right. If we can make excuses on some of the easiest things to get rid of, we will never be ready to do the difficult cost cutting that needs to be done. Make small cuts for huge savings.,Another way to sock away money is to figure out how much you need in savings and then decide how much per month you can afford to sacrifice. Then look at that sum of money as a bill to pay yourself. Decide on a monthly amount and put that same money aside every month and watch it grow.,One last thing that I want you to think about. Think about something you really wanted, or if you have children think of your 1st born. Most of us when we want something find a way to go out and get it. When I had my first born child, I didn’t budget for the huge added expense but when it’s all said and done I really didn’t feel the added expense. I just made it work. It’s a mind-set. More creative ways to saving. See 101 ways.

By admin